Consider your business as a glass half empty situation. By focusing on what could go wrong, and fixing it and planning for it, you will improve your outcomes dramatically, by being ready for objections and other sure to occur challenges.
Don’t Forget To Take Care Of Yourself
Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Owning a business is a lot of work – probably more than you thought, particularly when first starting out.
Don’t Expect Business Partnerships To Be Easy
Just like marriages, having a business partner is not always easy. When times are fruitful and money is plentiful everyone get a long. In tough business climates and when moneys run short that is the real test.
Don’t Let Your Ego Get In The Way
My biggest mistake is I let my ego get in the way of the most important aspect of a business, teamwork.
Don’t Take Someone’s Word For It
I did not ask enough questions before handing over money to buy into the franchise.